Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Please consider helping me fight my battle against Neuroborreliosis. I am five months into one year of intensive and incredibly expensive treatment. Absolutely nothing is covered by insurance and the expenses have become impossible. As a thank you, I will write you a written thank you card in the mail, and ship you a freshly picked, handmade sea-glass necklace if you request one. Please click the yellow donate button on the top right column. And thank you. 

Hello everyone! I'm checking in from White River Junction Vermont where it is currently 4 degrees outside and bluebird skies. So I know it's been a while, but the truth is I've been lucky enough to have a lot of writing work outside this blog. In fact! Some of that work requires that I keep quiet on here and not tell all my stories, so they can be brand new when they show up in the book or the articles.

What's to become of The Wilder Coast? This is nearly eight years worth of writing, most of it so so bad but remember what Ira Glass says: you have to get all the shitty stuff out before you can write something worthwhile. Anyhow, I'm not ready for this space to fade into internet oblivion like that girl who sang the song about Friday.

So many of you started off as readers and then became friends. I love all the comment and discourse, emails and letters and visits- hell, who wouldn't? And I miss you. So I'd like to try something new. I want to write on this blog as if I'm speaking directly to you. That means, it will be casual, imperfect (which is of course in stark contrast with all my other work, which is perfect, totally perfect) and maybe a bit more stream of consciousness.  Although- god, that term makes me cringe. So axe that last one one.

What I'm trying to say is this. I spend all day grinding out words for other projects, banging my head against a wall, and swallowing fistfuls of supplements and pharmaceuticals (not the fun kind) so when I get on this blog I want to just chill. You know? You know.

Let's begin. Hi! How have you been?


Jessie said...

HI!! I'm so glad you're back. (I was sort of ridiculously excited to see this come up on my newsblur.)

Jill said...

Hi! Chill sounds great to me- we're not here to judge, so write what you want however you want. I'll grab the coffee. Thanks for the email by the way, it made my day. I haven't had a chance to write back but I will!! <3

Melina said...

@Jill- if you want to pull a Melina and take a solid month to write back, well, you know my style ;)

Karen said...

Yep, I'm glad your back too. Just write, I'll read. And respond. Cause I feel like you're a friend and I worry about you and wonder how you're feeling. Xox

Melina said...

@Karen, thank you. I feel like we're friends as well. I literally woke up today and just thought- "I miss my friends. I'm going to start writing again."

Darlene said...

Yes! You're back!!! I have been following all of your other things you've been doing and Instagram as well! Wow have you grown!! I'm so happy for you! But "here" is where I met you! Way back when! Here is where I still come just to check and see how you are!!!❤️

Toi said...

I will read whatever you write! It makes me so happy to see all of the opportunities that have opened up for you.

Christina Schmidt said...

Hey! New to your blog but still. Chill is cool :)

Marie said...

Melina's back! Hurray! You have been missed and I will read whatever you write here! Hope you are doing well and looking forward to reading more from you, whatever it is.

Keli said...

Welcome back! I've been thinking of you wondering how everything was going health-wise. Glad to you hear you've been busy with work but still want to keep the blog going. Recently I have been contemplating quitting a side hustle because I felt like I didn't have time/energy/guts to continue. If you can keep up with the blog with everything else on your plate, Imma hang in there too :)

Elisa said...

Had a final pathology exam, today. It was on strokes and neuroborreliosis. I, of course, had been thinking of your story while studying! :) Tomorrow I have a final on hip/knee/ankle adjustments. Thursday is on X-rays of various types of arthritis. I'm tired. The boy I love is an island. So, my heart hurts usually. No matter, I feel content in being human, knowing my weaknesses are a part of this woven network of being, and not to be hidden out of shame.

s. Maiolo said...

Whatever you write I will read- glad you feel well enough to do all that you are doing.

Grace said...

Excited to hear more! Missed your blog, but love following your journey on Insta!

Sian said...

Yay I love reading your blog posts whatever form they take xxx

Ici said...

I actually said "yay" out loud when I saw you had a new post. Write whatever your heart desires, I will read it all.

Pam said...

I too am so happy to hear from you and will be excited to read anything you write in any style! Hope you are feeling well and it sure sounds like you are busy!! Take care and hugs

UltiBlerg said...

I'm going to call it a comeback anyway! I miss your stick figure drawings as story accompaniment, and hereby vote for more of them.
Say hi to the Green Mountains for me; I'll be seeing a lot more of them soon...

Aimee said...

I was so excited you were posting again I waited to read it until the kid had gone to bed! no interruptions
I think posts of any type are awesome. I've just missed your humour and outlook :-)

Anonymous said...

Makes me happy to know you have been busy and not too sick to write. You write I will read. I don't particularly care for the "perfect" it makes me feel less...

Anonymous said...

I love this. I was just writing this morning about the conversation that is possible with readers, when the writer feels relaxed and at home, with friends. I look forward to everything you do :)

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back, and looking for to the casual vibe :)

Unknown said...

Hi Melina! Getting ready for my first trip to Red Rocks and Vegas baby!! I've been cooped up in seattle all winter and I'm so ready to get into the desert! I'm glad your writing again....or at writing and getting paid for it!

TeresaThom1 said...

I look forward to reading that kind of writing from you!
I have been...stressed. Between working full time, full time (and then some) of school work, and a house guest that is staying WAY too long and causing WAY too much drama, I am ready for a break. Just to breathe. Also planning my wedding in June!

Brit said...

I just listened to your story on the Dirtbag Diaries podcast, this is my first time visiting your blog. I enjoyed how contemplative your story was. I am in Alberta, relatively close to the Rocky Mountains and I enjoy escaping there when I can.

Erin said...

Awesome update! Great to hear what you've been up to and how you are doing. Spring has actually sprung here in Montana and I am ready to put all my winter dreams into action. I've been mostly doing really well. Waking up with purpose and getting my shit done every day. Go team! It's time to get the garden going and growing, both literally and metaphorically. Bring on the fruitful tide of the year!

Shellie said...

Funny - I have been so busy, I have not been checking all the blogs I like to read so I totally get it.
Hope married life is good!
I am for the first time in my life alone, selling a house, buying another and moving all our stuff. Lost my husband suddenly last year and its been a crappy year of adjustment. Maybe you will have time to write again, and I will have time to read again.....

Linzy said...

So glad you're back! I always check your blog when I'm at work. :) How do you like your coffee? I've been drinking mine black lately...I think I'm getting old :0

Danielle said...

Hi! So glad you are back! I was in Asheville last week for some boating and camping. Thought of you as I huffed and puffed my way to the top of Bent Creek on my bike.